Set in an alternate Earth on the eve of a fantasized World War II, the story follows Izetta, the last surviving member of a clan of witches that possesses the ability to draw on the power of ley lines to magically manipulate any object that they touch. Izetta pledges to help protect Princess Finé and the tiny Alpine country of Eylstadt from invasion by the imperial forces of Germania.
Although Eylstadt is an amalgamation of multiple Alpine states, namely Switzerland, Lichtenstein, and Austria, many featured locations like statues, state houses, landmarks, and geological features are based on real life equivalents.
In true military otaku fashion, the weapons, tanks, and planes are based off real-world World War II materiel. Most strikingly, Izetta’s anti-tank rifle is based on the Soviet PTRS-41, and is later swapped out of a variation on the British Boys Anti-Tank Rifle .